ACTIVE REHAB- What, Why and How?

Anyone can benefit from Active Rehab whether it is to fix minor postural corrections that cause major aches and pains, or treat that chronic injury that perhaps has inhibited you from being as active as you desire.

Click here to book an assessment with one of our Kinesiologists, and see how you can help your body function more efficiently!  In the “Best day/time for consultation” box, type “Active Rehab” along with your preferred times.

What is Active Rehab?

Whether you are looking to build or re-build muscle, here at Kalev Fitness Solution we can help! Kinesiologists are university educated experts in exercise physiology, anatomy, and biomechanics and are skilled in exercise prescription for all populations. Treatments and disciplines executed by Kinesiologists include but are not limited to:

-Injury Rehabilitation/Exercise Therapy

-Personal Training/ Exercise Prescription

-Special Population Exercise Design & Conduction

-Health Promotion/ Education

-Biomedical Applications/ Gait Analysis

-Rehabilitation Equipment Assessment & Prescription

Most Kinesiologists work hand in hand with other therapists (physiotherapists, chiropractors, massage therapists) out of a clinical setting to aid in injury recovery. This environment can be somewhat limiting to what tools they can utilize. Having a Kinesiologist working from our gym allows our trainers and you to benefit from access to all our specialized and ergonomically satisfying equipment, effectively isolating and targeting a specific muscle.

Why try Active Rehab?

As a patient, you are provided with a thorough, full body assessment, to locate and identify any outstanding, functional limitations/abilities. Our Kinesiologists take the time to incorporate your exercise history, injury history, and current limitations to develop a comprehensive recovery plan. Moreover, an active rehab session with us is as much of a teaching experience as it is a productive recovery session for you. By teaching you the foundations of safe exercise, stretching and proper injury care, we provide you with self care tools for a lifetime. Active rehab arms you with the tools you need to maintain that healthy lifestyle you desire!

How can I get  Active Rehab PAID for as an ICBC claimant?

Have an open ICBC claim-no problem!

Kalev Fitness is an ICBC  registered facility with Kinesiologists accredited under the BC Association of Kinesiologists, qualified to assess and treat patients of this type. Assessments are always free (covered by ICBC). Treatments following your assesment can be payed for in 3 ways: ICBC pays, your lawyer pays, or you can pay session by session individually. We are able to process payments with ICBC and your lawyer directly so do not hesitate to let us make your life easier. Please note our Kinesiologist is also able to act as a Liason between these sources, and take the hassle off your hands. Simply bring in your claim number and we can get you started!

If you do not have an ICBC claim but would like to benefit from active rehab, you are more than welcome to come in as well! We have session by session, or 10 pack punch cards available. Come in and feel better…faster!

Written by: Natalie Goodfellow

Read more about our Kinesiologists 

Book a session with a Kinesiologist.

Call: (604) 568-6006     Email: