This is How to Add Variation in Any Exercise Program

Fitness variety is an essential component of every exercise program since it improves performance while lowering the chance of injury. Beyond this, it allows you to get fit without getting bored with a single routine as well as avoid stagnancy. To achieve the best outcomes, variation must be introduced correctly in your exercise program. Read on to learn more.
Understanding Adaptive Resistance
If you’re a fitness enthusiast or athlete, there’s no doubt that you’re always looking for ways to improve. Adaptive resistance, on the other hand, can be a hindrance to improved performance. It occurs when your body stops responding to an activity after repetitions.
Adaptive resistance doesn’t just lead to a lack of muscle growth, it also has the potential to be harmful. When the same muscles are utilized in the same pattern/angle, the same soft tissue structures wear out faster.
You can gradually accelerate your progress by varying your workout routine and adding new exercises. Rotating exercises or activities also reduce the risk of injury. For example, change up your weekly mileage as your run or bike.
The Degree of Variation
While variation is necessary, too much of it can be harmful. A program should include two to three variations for each muscle or movement. Because you are continually reawakening the system, the more exercises you perform, the more difficult it is to adjust!
Training and achieving goals is as much pleasurable as it is a means to an end for the recreational fitness enthusiast. After all, fitness enthusiasts need to stay motivated and committed to their goals. However, it’s also important to know how much variety you need to introduce to your workout routines.
To keep things interesting and fun while tracking metrics like strength, power, and workload capacity, you’ll need a few complex workouts.
Variations You Should Try
Here are a couple of examples:
1. The Straight Set
Settle on a number of reps for your session. Then, rest for 90-120 seconds before repeating with the same number of reps.
2. The Pyramid Set
Pyramid sets are used between sets to gradually increase the weight lifted. As you progress up the pyramid, decrease the weight and increase the reps, then decrease the weight and increase the reps as you descend.
3. The Superset
Supersets are made up of straight or pyramid sets. In contrast, two exercises are used to work opposing muscle groups, such as the biceps and triceps. Supersets work on the reciprocal inhibition principle, which states that one muscle must contract while the other must relax.
4. The Compound Set
Compound sets are routines that include all of the major muscle groups of the body, such as squats, push-ups, and deadlifts. This can be achieved by performing three or four exercises in succession that target the same muscle group, opposite muscle groups, or the entire body.
5. The Giant Set
Giant sets are a set of four exercises that target a single muscle group, an agonist/antagonistic group, or a joint complex to work the muscles around that joint.
Change Could Be Good
For diversity in your workout routines as well as considerable results, try the following variation sets. As the exercises are more challenging as you go down the list, note that you must stick to straight sets and pyramid sets while including some of the others. As you get the hang of changing things up, you’ll see results in no time!
Are you looking for a fitness challenge? Kalev Fitness Solution is here to offer professional services, nutrition advice, boot camp activities, weight training, and more to help you get the body you want. Get started with us today!