KFS Physiotherapy with Christian Kubas
We are pleased to offer a new service at Kalev Fitness Solution to keep you moving efficiently and pain free! Christian has been a personal trainer with KFS for five years and is a Physiotherapist with our close friends & neighbours, Gastown Physio & Pilates. He is now bringing these skills to KFS to ensure you can return to exercise and prevent injuries from reoccurring.
Continuing physical therapy outside of a clinic setting offers another level of care intended to optimize your movements with specific exercises and mobility drills to avoid re-injury. With this in mind, physiotherapy at KFS is designed to bridge the gap between the clinic and a full return to the gym. Analysing your movements under the load of a barbell can present deficits that might otherwise be masked when performed with body weight alone. Appropriate instruction and progression by a physiotherapist is critical for instilling proper motor control with exercise. Currently being injured is not a prerequisite! Improving your biomechanics and movement strategies before high impact at the gym can help prevent injuries and bring your fitness to the next level.
People that can benefit from physical therapy at KFS include those that:
- Experience pain or lack of mobility with exercises at the gym especially when under load/resistance (examples: overhead press, weighted squats, and more)
- Pain or discomfort when running on a treadmill
- Want to optimize their movements with exercise to prevent injuries
- Completed a course of physical therapy at a clinic but have not returned to physical activity
It helps to be informed about your health insurance policy prior to starting physio to maximize your coverage for sessions at KFS. Some companies require a physician referral before beginning physio. Please check with your insurance provider for these details and to see if your benefits plan has you covered to get you healthier and back into the gym!
Learn more by contacting us at Christian@kalevfitness.com.