New Classes Launched!

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Exciting changes are happening to our classes to improve your experience, training program, and options for a class based solution to your Fitness needs. Kalev Fitness is upgrading all its classes to the Total Body Solution and everyone benefits… current TBS members have a simpler way to get in their Full Body training per week while still targeting different muscle groups. Also SGT members will get a 2 month upgrade to the new program.

Our new TBS Strength Plus classes focus on back to basics compound strength movements. The first 20 minutes of the class you’re targeting Squats, Pull ups, Chest press, Deadlifts, Rows and more. Then you’re heart rate is pumped up by cardio circuits that are targeted to melt fat away.  You will use weights focused on Upper or Lower Body (depending on the day) and core and abs will be incorporated in that mix to complete the full body cardio workout.

Pressed for time? Come in for the first ½ of class. Only want Cardio, come in at the 20 min mark and do a circuit focused on targeted muscle groups. These classes run Monday / Tuesday, Thursday / Friday to hit each muscle group 2x per week! On Wednesdays and take a break from strength, and melt away those calories with TBS Competition cardio class.

What if you miss a workout, or can’t come 5 days per week? There are multiple TBS Strength Classes per day, OR you can crush a full body class like TBS Pumping Iron (Strength) TBS Interval Cardio (Strength Cardio), TBS Warrior Conditioning, TBS Kickboxing to make sure you don’t leave any muscles untrained.

The TBS Sports Cardio class scheduled mid to end of weekend is a kick ass cardio class using plyometrics, drills and traditional cardio exercises to feel the burn, and is a great addition at any time in your class routine.

What does this mean for you? Over all it is a change for the better.

  • Longer evening class times
  • More class selection for all members
  • Follow a programmed week through TBS or come in for a general full body workout when you want to get your Total Body Solution!

If you are not a current class member and are interested in trying things out, speak the front desk or contact us to set you up with a trial class to see if it’s the right fit for you!

See you at the gym,



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