5 Compelling Signs You Might Want to See a Nutritionist
Is there a right way to eat? While eating is simple, it’s not immediately clear. When it comes to your health and fitness, it’s important to know whether you’re getting the right nutrients from your meals.
Registered dietitian nutritionists work to gather the best nutritional research in order to learn what works for each individual, and then integrate this knowledge into his or her personal routine.
Here are five signs that you might need to see a nutritionist yourself.
1) You’re Dieting Inconsistently
If you eat a certain way only when you’re dieting, then you’re a dieter, and not a person who eats well. To be a well-dieter, you need to learn to eat well in a variety of situations, including when you’re hungry or not hungry, or when you’re in a restaurant or at a friend’s house.
If you’re not a consistent eater, you may not have a complete understanding of what foods are healthy and which are healthy. And you won’t have reliable habits that make it possible for you to eat well in any situation.
2) You Want to Manage Your Diabetes
If you want to control your blood sugar, maintain your weight, and make sure you get the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients your body needs to survive, you need to work with a dietitian who can help you do this. It’s not easy to do this on your own.
Diets that work for diabetes management include low-carbohydrate diets, Mediterranean diets, and those that are high in fiber.
3) You Want to Lose Weight
Losing weight is difficult. No matter what you do, you’ll find that the more weight you lose, the harder it is to keep taking it off. If you want to lose weight, you need to learn how to maintain that weight loss
A dietitian nutritionist can help you learn what you need to do to make it easier to lose weight and easier to keep it off.
4) You Want to Eat Healthier
Eating healthier doesn’t just mean eating foods that are “healthy.” If you want to eat healthier, you’ll need to eat a variety of foods and figure out how much of each food you need to get the nutrients you need.
If you’re not sure what you should be eating, you’re not alone. The information available on nutrition is overwhelming. It’s important to know that nutrition is not a black-or-white matter.
The right nutrition isn’t just about what you should eat, it’s also about what you shouldn’t eat, and what you should eat if you have a specific health condition.
5) You Have Digestion Problems
If you have health issues that disrupt your digestion—like IBS, Crohn’s disease, gallbladder disease, or celiac disease—you may need to follow a restrictive diet.
Even if you don’t have a medical condition, you may need to follow a certain diet in order to improve your digestion. For example, you may be lactose intolerant and need to avoid dairy, or you may have a food allergy or intolerance to a certain food.
The Bottom Line
As you can see, you’re likely to benefit from the help of a dietitian nutritionist, whether you want to lose weight, control your blood sugar, eat healthier, or improve your digestion.
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