Tough Mudder Training
Kalev Fitness Solution is excited to announce we will be joining the masses on June 23rd for “probably the hardest event on the planet.” Tough Mudder
– Training starts this Saturdays at 9:00am for $99 (for 14 weeks)
– $125 race entry fee (optional, you don’t have to join our team)
– Race Day June 23rd in Whistler, BC
Click Here to sign up or email or call 604.568.6006 this week to sign up or find out more about how you can join us. Training starts this Saturday so hurry!
Tough Mudder is not just a race, but a mental and physical challenge designed by British special forces to take you through mud, fire, ice-water, and 10,000 volts of electricity. But the best part? There is beer, live music, and a whole team of cheering fans waiting for you at the finish line! We want to invite you to join us, and complete this amazing, fun, and probably most physically challenging event you will ever participate in!