Weight Training for Beginners: Our Guide to Getting Started

weight training

Weight lifting is an excellent way to lose fat, gain muscle, and develop your strength with an all-around fitness routine. Although cardio can make you lose weight and improve your agility, there’s always a great way to benefit more from weight training. For example, you’ll experience improved posture, strengthened joints, and greater general power output. These are just some of the many advantages you’ll gain by starting your weight lifting journey.

Following Your Fitness Journey Through Weight Lifting

Strength training is an excellent way to achieve your fitness goals while stimulating your muscles to grow in a specific way. However, learning how to lift weights purposefully is no simple matter. While many people want to get started with weight lifting, it’s not always easy to get into. Contrary to popular belief, lifting weights is more than just done mindlessly.

If you want to safely and accurately reach your fitness goals through weight lifting, follow these five tips for beginners:

1. Pace Yourself

Your body will take some getting used to before it can handle the strain of lifting heavyweights. For this reason, you need to pace yourself so you don’t injure yourself or overburden your body.

Starting with two workout days per week is a good frequency for first-timers, especially since you have to expect delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) to set in. Work out for a minimum of 20 minutes, then gradually increase it with ten minutes per session until you can safely last a 60-minute workout 4-5 times a week.

2. Remember Your Cardio

You must prepare your body for the strain of being physically active to prevent microtears to your muscles. For this reason, you should engage in light cardio or bodyweight exercises. This will promote blood flow and prepare your muscles for the increased load in physical engagement.

3. Pair Your Muscle Groups

It’s best for beginners to fully engage their bodies with every workout session before sticking to a more dedicated workout routine. For this reason, you need to opt for full-body workouts to condition your muscles properly.

When performing different lifting exercises to build strength, it‘s best to alternate your workouts depending on the affected muscle groups. Ideally, you should do one upper body exercise and alternate it with a lower body exercise. For example, you can switch reps between lateral raises and leg raises.

4. Mind Your Weights

You’ll need to adjust your weights accordingly, depending on how many muscle groups are stimulated and the kind of exercise you perform. For this reason, you’ll need to have varying loads for dumbbells, kettlebells, or barbells. If you’re just starting out, it’s best to stick to a weight that should let you comfortably reach 12 reps for three sets.

Once you’re ready to go for a higher load, remember to introduce it gradually by performing two sets of your usual set and doing ten reps of your third set with the increased weights. Don’t forget to mind your form when lifting. Otherwise, you could be affecting the wrong muscle groups or injure your body unintentionally.

5. Prep Your Post-Workout Routine

When your body engages in strength exercises, it still needs to engage in stimulation to revert to a normal state. This is why it’s vital to stretch after a heavy workout session. This promotes flexibility and reduces muscle tension so you won’t feel as sore the next day.

Besides stretching, you need to refuel your body to replenish the energy you lost. It’s best to consume proteins and fats and drink plenty of fluids after your heavy exercise.

Work With a Fitness Professional

Although the steps above can get you started on your fitness journey, you’re still ways ahead from reaching your goals. The hardest part of weight training is conditioning, improving, and raising the bar for your own limitations. Thankfully, you don’t have to face these obstacles by yourself. In fact, you can hire bootcamp specialists and nutrition experts to help you reach the best “you” you can be.

If you need a fitness consultant in Vancouver, you’re in the right place. Our team at Kalev Fitness Solution is dedicated to giving our clients the highest quality of guidance for their fitness goals. If you want to achieve these goals in no time, contact us today!

