Healthy Habits 101
Kalev Fitness Solution (KFS) is proud to launch Healthy Habits 101, a new 12 week educational nutrition and lifestyle program to help individuals achieve their health goals. 11 different topics including food quality, digestion, and environmental stressors will be covered in depth, followed by a week of review to put everything together and set up clients up for success.
On October 8 from 12:15-12:45 join nutritional coaches Virgil Isaacs, Alicia Putinski, and Greg Smith at Kalev Fitness Solution (102-128 West Pender Street) as they present complete program details.
Healthy Habits 101 is guaranteed to compliment fitness routines and put individuals on a fast track to looking and feeling their best. There will be lunch time snacks available and following the presentation there will be a 15 minute question and answer period during which attendees can talk to the coaches personally about their interests in nutrition.