Half-Way 6 Week Tough Mudder Training Camp
6 Week Training Program With The Kalev Fitness Solution Community to Prepare For The Most Gruelling, Action Packed Race of The Year – Tough Mudder 2013!
May 1st – June 15th
Option 1 – One Session/Week – $100 (https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/ws.asp?studioid=5262&stype=41&prodid=502)
Option 2 – Two Sessions/Week – $150 (https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/ws.asp?studioid=5262&stype=41&prodid=503)
We’re coming up on the half-way mark through the training camp, and I want to take this opportunity to extend the chance to join the training camp at a reduced price. This means, for all the current Mudders, that if you have some friends who diddle-daddled around the idea of joining and missed out because they were unsure or just lazy, you get to hound those friends now and motivate them to get their butts in here while they still can. Just think of how much fun it would be with your one bud who you know you want out there beside you – now’s your chance to pull them in the mud with you! And for those of you who are not in the camp yet…WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!?! CAN’T WAIT TO MEET YOU!
Group Session Schedule:
– Mondays@ 7pm w/Virgil FULL
– Wednesdays @5pm w/Virgil FULL
– Thursdays @ 7pm w/Sean FULL
– Saturdays @10am w/Paul FULL
Open times:
– Tuesday@ 7pm w/Virgil
– Wednesdays @ 8am w/Mia
– Thursday @ 8pm w/Sean
– Saturdays @1pm w/Paul
Referral Bonus:
Receive 50% CASH BACK from any referral you bring us for the Tough Mudder Training Camp. So if you bring us one referral for 1 Class/week and one referral for 2 Classes/week then you would receive $125 CASH BACK!
Tough Mudder 2013 falls on June 22nd & 23rd. The Kalev Fitness Solution Team is set to race at approximately 10:00am on Saturday the 22nd. CLIENTS OF THE KFS TRAINING CAMP ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR REGISTERING THEMSELVES FOR THE RACE AT https://toughmudder.com/events/vancouver-2013/
Upon registration you will be can choose to join a team – CHOOSE THE “Kalev Fitness Solution” team and use the password “kfs123”! DO – THIS – ASAP!!!
Email: schedule@kalevfitness.com
Ph: 604.568.6006