Most Effective Stretches for Skiers, Snowboarders and Hockey Players


With the winter season upon us, a lot is changing. From food fare to events, sports and training, we all can use a little tweaking to make this the fittest winter yet. Below are some stretches to ensure you keep playing all winter long.  When the fresh powder hits you’ll be ready to go!

Skiing: Skiing requires a great deal of core and leg strength, so stretching your calf, groin and quadriceps will make moving a little easier the next day. Throw in some trunk rotations as well for added next day mobility. Not sure what this is? Just ask. 

Snowboarding: All about the legs and hips! Make sure you are opening up your hip flexors. Stretch out your lower back, hip flexors calves and quads. Your body will thank you!

Ice Hockey: This is a sport that can be played all year round for sure. Not much beats playing with your buddies on a frozen pond though. Make sure the pond is at least 4-6 inches frozen before you lace up! Click for stretches you should be doing after your game.

Skate Skiing: My personal favorite has to be cross country. This sport is great for cardio nuts! Using your arms to pump yourself along and legs to glide can really take its toll. Make sure after a intense session you are giving your calves and hammies some love! Watch this video for a sequence that will benefit you in your recovery.

Get out there!
