Cycle with me – Benefits of cycling

There are so many benefits to cycling, from boosting your memory, to building your muscles. Everyone can benefit from a cycling class, especially if you’re like me and can’t stand cycling in the rain. Now here is where I expect the acid rain or shine gear heads to turn there noses up at me but I have an argument that’s sure to make you think twice on why a cycling class isn’t just for wimps like me.

Build your muscles. But it doesn’t just stop there.

This one if kind of obvious, I`m talking trails. Urban trials trails just don’t cut it sometimes. Other times you might be pressed for time and not be able to hike it out to your desired route. A class is going to create an imaginary trail that maybe you couldn’t even find  in your area.  Maybe you have been eyeing a trail in south America on a upcoming trip? Practice it; condition yourself for the ultimate ride.

It’s sort of a no-brainier that you don’t have a mirror suspended beside you on your ride. A class not only gives you opportunity to evaluate and see yourself but then to adjust your stance, crouch, and hover accordingly. Not to mention you have a coach  who is there to optimize your ride, offer tips and push you!

Overcome your fear of crashing.

Its a normal fear for any cyclist especially after the tragic death of Wouter Weylandt at the Giro d’Italia. Cycling class is a definite way to take the “danger” out of the equation when you are pushing speeds you haven’t before.

Whats your opinion? We want to hear what you have to say about spin class!

-Written by Marina